In an ideal world, we could likely all benefit from setting aside some time each quarter to pause, reflect on our work and personal lives, and note any insights that help us move forward. I used to do that — for a while anyway. Then like many well-intended habits it dropped off. Yet rather than be rigid about the things I hope to do, I’ve come to look at these plans from a “what works, what doesn’t?” view – and how can I make it work for me now? Although I would like to get back to my 3-6 month reviews, in the form of a one day solo retreat, (and ok, throwing in a spa session), an end-of-year ritual works for me. Since there is a natural break in the action at year’s end, I’ve been able to stick to it without fail for years. To me, it’s very calming and energizing all at the same time.
As I move into the new year, I use what I’ve uncovered to spend my energy and time in meaningful ways. I can gauge how any particular activity, project, even relationship warrants my focus. I’m sure to stay agile to what life serves up, but its an empowering place to start. With so much vying for our attention, if we don’t have these anchors in our lives what do we have? Won’t we be constantly tossed on the waves of whatever urgencies that come our way? And don’t we need to stop and celebrate the gains we made, or acknowledge what we are most grateful for versus pushing onward? With so many assessing work and life for a meaningful new move or reboot, this sort of process is more relevant than ever before.
Although I may know some of my leanings for the new year – with a beginner’s eye, I will grab a spot by the fire, (coffee shop or home) and go through my list. I share these with you in case you might also find it useful as you pause at the year’s end, and please feel free to share with a colleague, family member or friend.
Year-End Reflection Questions 2021
- What were some the most memorable times you had this year – including the most simple joys or new discoveries?
- What were some of the greatest challenges you faced, and how did you deal with them?
- What are three revelations that came from the year? OR How did you surprise yourself – personally, professionally, or both?
- Have you made gains with something that you are convicted to keeping?
- Do you need to release or create closure something? Is there someone you need to forgive?
- BIG: How will you support your well-being in the coming year?
- How will you challenge or inspire yourself in the new year?
- Who do you want to be in the coming year? “I want to be a person / parent / leader who…” Why?
- What will be your one to three absolute and clear priorities in the coming year?
- What core value or key word will help guide your decisions in the coming year?
Wishing you and and yours a warm, peace-filled holiday season and an abundant new year! Thank you for being in my world.